The Leaders Training Program – The Fundamentals is a highly specialized, powerful, and fun course that trains and develops you as a leader, and leaves you being a high performer in those areas that matter most to you, including making a difference in the lives of others.

This unique program includes coaching workshops, various classroom and weekend sessions, and invaluable practical training.

Out of participating in The Leaders Training Program – The Fundamentals,
you will be:
Trained and developed to be a leader who can fulfill on what is possible for yourself and your life, leaving you unleashed as a force of nature, making a significant contribution in the world, and altered in who you know yourself to be and what you are capable of everywhere in life.

Promises of The Leaders Training Program – The Fundamentals:
When you successfully complete The Leaders Training Program – The Fundamentals, you will have been trained in the fundamentals of leading seminars, public speaking, effective communication, and effective enrollment; and you will have caused for yourself a personal transformation that expresses itself as:

  1. Fundamentals of Leading:
    As part of the fundamentals of seminar leading, you will be able to speak in front of people, beginning to discover what it takes to engage people in a dialogue that illuminates ideas and distinctions, creates possibilities for people such that they discover new possibilities for themselves and their lives.
  2. Remarkable Contribution:
    Being someone who has begun to discover and develop access to communicating in a way that creates new possibilities and opportunities for others, and empowers them to step in and take action – in any domain in life.
  3. Unprecedented Success, Power, and Effectiveness:
    You will begin to access what it looks like to make things happen that weren’t going to happen anyway – going beyond what is currently possible for yourself, your career, and the rest of your life, and producing results that are previously unforeseen in those areas that matter to you that you choose to impact – in relationships, business and in service to the world.
  4. Confidence and Resilience:
    You will be trained and developed to be a person who can function with integrity, responsibility and accountability – while being deeply connected to people. With expanded confidence and grit, you can be someone who is powerfully fulfilling your commitments – undaunted by circumstance, moods, and the like.
  5. A New Kind of Leadership:
    You will find yourself naturally being a catalyst for new possibilities that can empower, impact and contribute to individuals, families, organizations, communities, and society itself.

In this course you will:

  • Receive intensive training in the distinctions of transformation, as well as practical coaching to share and express them in your daily life
  • Expand and strengthen your skills in leadership and generating conversations that powerfully call people into action
  • Learn to present yourself more effectively and speak powerfully to large groups of people
  • Introduce The Landmark Forum to people in such a way that they can see for themselves what’s possible in being human and have a pathway to act on those possibilities

Course Details
The Landmark Leaders Training Program – The Fundamentals includes coaching workshops, 16 evening classroom sessions, 4 weekend sessions, and practical on-the-court training. You will be developed in powerfully generating communication, enrollment, and authentic self-expression.


Completion of The Landmark Forum and one other Landmark program.

United States First Weekend Options (Fall 2024)

Canada First Weekend Options (Fall 2024)