Agreements                    Enquiry To Engage With                     Technical Requirements

Agreements for the Integrity And Workability of Your Participation in
The Forum

    • Be Coachable
    • Do All the Assignments
    • Be Complete Throughout Your Course
    • Be on Time for All Sessions
    • Don’t Do Other Activities During Sessions
    • Complete The Landmark Forum

Optional Download Enquiry To Engage With PDF
The Enquiry to Engage with Between Now and Friday Morning

Between now and Friday morning, you want to continue opening up to the
question, “What can I authentically say I want for myself and my life out of
my participation in The Forum?”

As you do so, see if you can start to see what life would look like if you
accomplished what, up until now, you haven’t thought or seen is possible
for you to accomplish.

Optional Download Technical Requirements PDF
Technical Requirements For Your Participation In The Forum

  • Make sure your camera and audio work.
  • Ensure your camera is on during each course session.
  • Please ensure that the location you’ll be participating in has adequate
    and stable internet bandwidth—at least 3 Mbps upload speed
  • Please make sure that you have downloaded or upgraded to the latest
    version of the Zoom application for your device
  • Set yourself up in a quiet area with the least amount of distractions
    possible, including the least amount of background noise.
  • Inform people in your environment ahead of time that you are going to
    be in a course and not available during x and y hours.
  • If you can’t be in a room alone, to maintain the confidentiality of what
    the other participants in the course may say or share, please use a
  • We request that you sit in a chair at a table or a desk consistent with
    participating in an educational setting.
  • Please do not eat or do other chores while you are in session as it will
    be distracting for you and for others.
  • We request that you join the Zoom meeting, your Forum, 30 minutes
    prior to the start of the morning session, and certainly no later than 10
    minutes in advance, to make sure you’re ready to participate in The
    Forum and have dealt with any technical issues that may come up.